Product Code: 24

PREPARATION OF MEDICATION The amount of plant protection product shall be mixed with some water in a separate container. Half of the tank of the medication device shall be filled water and the mixture shall be added into the tank. Then, the remaining water is added into to the tank and mixed.
Use of Medication: It can be applied from air and ground with any kind of sprayer. While spraying with the field sprayer, it is recommended that the interspaces between the rows are covered and the covering is sprayed so that the bottom of the leaves can be sprayed. In fruit trees, the first spraying should be done after the flower petals are completely poured out, and when there is density, the spraying should be repeated. Because the effect is low in the adults, the spraying should be done before adult population starts multiplying. If the adult population is high, it is advisable to apply them to an adult by mixing with an effective contact acaricide. To prevent red spiders from gaining resistance, do not spray more than twice with EFDAL HEKZARUN 50 EC in a year. It is also effective against classical mites and classical mites that gained resistance. It is resistant to being washed with rain. Its effect lasts 50-60 days. Larvae and nymphs of red spiders die when they get into contact with the disinfectant or when they touch the leaves of the plants that have disinfectant on them. If EFDAL HEKZARUN 50 EC is sprayed directly onto the eggs, the eggs shall not hatch. The eggs that are laid on the leaves that have pesticide on them shall not hatch. If the adults get in contact with the pesticide, their eggs also shall not hatch.

INFORMATION ABOUT RESISTANCE: This plant protection product named: EFDAL HEKZARUN 50 EC İS an acaricide that is classified as Group 10A according to its effect mechanism. Repetitive applications of plant protection products having the same effect mechanism promote development of resistance. For this reason, do not exceed suggested limit of total application of EFDAL HEKZARUN 50 EC within the same manufacture season to delay the development of resistance. In cases that the application must be repeated, please use plant protection products that have different effect mechanism (apart from Group 10A).
Except strongly alkaline disinfectants, it can be mixed with common acaricides, fungicides, and foliar fertilizers

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