Who We Are
Turabexpo works to create new projects between Turkey and Arab countries.
We Turabexpo are specialized in conceptualizing and managing exhibitions, conferences, and tailored events, with a highly talented and experienced board of directors and staff. We have managed to become the best choice for companies in Turkey to find business opportunities in Arab countries and as well in Arab Countries for to find business opportunities in Turkey
Our main goal is to revive and strengthen the commercial bonds between Turkey and Arab Countries.
What We Do
We partner with the most capable organizations to bring you events in the best quality to ensure that they are not only sensational in every aspect, but memorable to the guests, visitors, and everyone involved.
Turabexpo looks forward to support investors in various conditions and create the appropriate investment options to help them make the best beneficial outcomes from any business opportunity.
Why Turab Expo
We Provide all the services required to any event we organize such as the accomindation in 5 star hotels.
We have the experience.We have the commitment.
Most importantly, we have the trust of our clients and partners.
You can get a proof by taking a look at our previous events
Sabuhi ATTAR
President of
Turabexpo Organization Co. ( Turabexpo )
Turkish-Arab Tourism Organization Association ( TATO )
Turab Foreign Trade Co.