Product Code: MK-011

Olive milk is the most efficient oil obtained from olives. Olives are kept between rocks without undergoing any thermal treatment, and the first filtered oil is called olive milk. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, beneficial fatty acids, and minerals, it prevents cell damage in the body and enables the repair of damaged cells. The Skin Care Serum is a special formula supported by E vitamin-containing special active ingredients produced to moisturize and nourish the skin. It is used for wrinkles in the eye area and on the skin. Serums that you can apply before your daily skincare routine, especially your anti-aging creams, prepare your skin for care and enhance the effectiveness of your skincare routine. If you are not yet using anti-aging cream, you can apply it to your clean skin before going to bed at night. You can apply it to your clean skin and eye area by massaging.

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