What is Scoliosis (Spine Curvature)?-47292

Product Code: 009

Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) is a three-dimensional spinal deformity. Not every scoliosis is a disease. However, scoliosis is a disease that creates a health problem.

What is Scoliosis (Spine Curvature)?
Scoliosis is known as serious diseases that disrupt the symmetry of the trunk and cause a bad appearance on the back. In this disease, which causes serious disorders in the external appearance, sometimes surgery may be required. By monitoring the curvature of the back, it is determined whether the disease progresses or not.

The spine has three main functions. We can specify them as follows:

Keeping us upright and balanced when viewed from the front
Keeping us upright and balanced when viewed from the side
To provide an important protection area for our internal organs
Scoliosis, which cannot fulfill these duties, is a disease. What performs is not a disease, but an anatomical variation. The spine, which cannot fulfill the above-mentioned duties, creates a health problem. Therefore, surgical intervention is required in this diseased class of scoliosis.

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