Men’s Health: Sex -33971

Product Code: 005

Men's dysfunctions
A 7-day program for men to help fully restore men’s health. The program includes only the most modern, high-tech and highly effective natural methods for restoring cells’ youth. Main goal of the programme is to provide health and wellness solutions for men who want to continue performing in all aspects of life.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It’s also sometimes referred to as impotence.

P-Shot ( Priapus Shot )
Also called P-Shot®, Priapus Shot is made to rejuvenate cells and increase the sensation for men. Priapus Shot® is designed to treat ED and provide performance improvements for men.
The P-Shot® treatment uses no chemicals or drugs, and requires no surgery. There have been no reported side effects and the treatment has a 90% success rate.
There’s never been an allergic reaction or necrosis, this is because the PRP comes from your own body, so the body does not react to it as a foreign substance.

ESWT treatment
Shockwave Therapy is a new and exciting solution that can lead to a healthier, stronger and more satisfying family life. Medworld’s no surgery treatment, is overseen by trained specialists every step of the way will get you back on track to a healthy and fullfiled life.
In ESWT shock wave therapy, the sound wave generated outside the body using a special applicator is transferred to the target area in the muscle, tendon or bone.
Sound waves are 10 times stronger than ultrasound waves and their effect is similar to the ripple effect when a stone is thrown into the water. This micro level trauma helps soft tissues heal; It provides regeneration of new blood vessels and nerve cells.

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