VIP Protection-9025

Product Code: VIPP

Protections meet in two headings. Official protection and special protection. Official protection is a protection to serve statesmans. All facility of government owned mobilize. There is no limit of guard number. It can be formed with guard in need and protection circular in need. Equipment and gear doesnt need saving. Special guard or commercial guard in other name, is a meeting with person in need and the person who serves. It can be limited. Number of guards and protection circular is limited with a budget of the job. This situation means that every guard or only one guard undertakes resposibilites of the job and to serve top performance in any moment .If nearby guard is the only guard of the person he protects, its important to stay where of the person who protected and if there is a gear he carries on its important where to take a position. He has to act by knowing body use of the person he protects while person walking, to be in touch in community, sitting in case there is an attack. There is no need to mention importance of route or the place to go or trip that planned, pre information of the position. Its not an action to say that its ordinary action. If its with protection team number 1 and others positions, sight angles and priorities practiced with number 1’s orders. All protection crew have to know their self protection in highest level. This is even no need of explanation. But i have to specify again. Being Professional guard is only possible to know every detail about protection. Its only possible to do your job in an efficient way, to be ready to do your job always with your body andmental.Protection is not a bouncer. Its to stay byside until the end. It makes it necessary only possible to train himself psychologically as a guard and stand this pressurized environment. It can not be mentioned protection is a good protection without parasympathetic neural systempressurized. Sustension, adaptation and loyalty feelings must be improved by knowingprotection system is the centre. Its a direct proportion with training education and qualityto be ready to every difficult conditions pycially and psychologically. Good protection mustbe brave, everlasting, active, discreet and manful.

Protect with vehicle:

If protection will be inside the vehicle of the person who will be protected, it needs to specify who will sit in front or back. Its an obligation to sit on back for the person who will be protected. Driver must know advanced driving techniques, be excellent to do avoidance maneuvers. He must acknowledge the vehicle and its limits very well. Country trafic can not be sufficient for turning maneuvers and cross passes are more eligible in traffic. Driver must know precautions of stationed protector for shots inside the vehicle. Driver must have ability to pass from Gates and if possible vehicle must be prepared as everlasting specially in front. Its a topic of education for protection with vehicles; position of the vehicle in front and vehicle in backside and how to stop traffic from behing, not to make close approch to VIP vehicle. Residence protectionIt depends on self-dependent house or apartment with many floors. It must be not possible to watch over from outside. Inside of apartment must be controlled before habitation starts, this activity must be done from forerunners of protection team on each entry and exit. The ones who serve on residence protection must reasearched and they shouldnt have disadvantageous behaviours. Noone lets in except guests, in case needed they can only pass to area in need with protection team. The most important case is windows that must be bulletproof.Strategical Institution protection:.Factory, nuclear institution, airport, seaports and all institutions, phycially and economically can cause crashin case there is an attack counts to this extent. Not to be in dead center for preparing environment safetyin institutions, is the security personnel put himself to opponent side. The job of security personnel is to bedevils advocate in every case. This game can not be played tendentious.It must be internalized like youare opponent side and be persistently in the move. Alternative protection precautions mustimproved for every move from air, land and sea and these precautions must be aggressive. Itsneeded to analyse similar attacks to institutions and learn from them. There were terrorists fromIndia, Pakistan who entered turistic hotels from sea way. So many things can be done randomly but protection is not.

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