Aragonit Acrylic Based Surface Protective Primer-855

Product Code: A5020

Description: Aragonit surface protective coat is acrylic based lining material, before application it decreases absorbency of surface and wastage of paint, it provides adherence and eliminates dust emission problem and protects surface.
Fields of Usage: It is used to decrease absorbency to prevent dust emission of surface, to provide endurance to the surface, protection of mineral and granule textured linings, on surfaces which have absorbency lining, bending cement finish. Before application of autogenous Bending Cement Finish, it is applied with brush or roll depending on the condition of absorbency of concrete. It provides high bonding endurance on absorbent concrete surfaces. For more detailed information should be consulted with producing company. It has a very good adhesive feature. It prevents dust emission of surface. It decreases wastage of paint and absorbency of surface.
Application: Surface shouldn’t be humid if there are remnants such as paint it should be cleaned in advance. Before application if it is needed to be cleaned remnants such as dust, dirt, etc. of surface, repair and maintenance should be done. It is applied on cleaned surface with brush or roll. It dries within 2-3 hours depending on ambient temperature. Places where adhesion is less wanted, approximately 20-30% of water can be added. Admixture process is completed when there is no lump and it can be applied with brush or roll as long as consistency is enough.

Cautions and Precautions
• Absorbency condition of surface should be checked with water test. (Water is dropped on the surface and if the absorbency of water happens within 1 minute, surface is absorbent so application should be done as two layers.)
• Consumption amounts can change depending on absorbency of surfaces.
• It shouldn’t be used nonabsorbent on shiny sufaces.
• Hand and eye contact should be avoided.
• During application protective clothes should be put on.

Consumption Amount: Averagely 130-180 gr. for per 1 m2 single layer
Shelf Life: 8 mounths in its original unopened package on a ventilated place keep away from direct sunlight
Package: 5 kg. – 10 kg. plastic can

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