METAFIX MANTOLAMA SIVASI Heat isolation panel plaster (2-7mm)-39449

Product Code: 029

METAFIX MANTOLAMA SIVASI Heat Isolation Panel Plaster (2-7mm)
To cover het isolation panel (EPS, XPS, wallwool, polyuretan foam of indoor and outdoor, cement based, has high adhesive durability, elastic, resistant against heat changing, water and frost, easy to applt surface correction plaster.

Technical Characteristics
Color Grey and white
Package 20 Kg Craft Bags
Water mixing ratio 6 - 6,5 Lt
Application degree +5C & +30C
Mixture self life 3 Hours
Application thickness 2-7 mm
Caking period < 20 min
Consumption 5-6 Kg/m2
Opening period of traffic 24 - 48 saat
Storage In original package 12 months max 10 line
Resistance against hot -30C + 80C
Sticking strenght >0,2 N/mm2
To cover heat isolation panel (EPS, XPS, wallwool, polyuretan foam of indoor and outdoor, cement based, has high adhesive durability, elastic, resistant against heat changing, water and frost, easy to applt surface correction plaster.