Main refrigerants used in cooling systems are Freon, Ammonia, Carbondioxide, Glycol and Propane. CANTEK can produce all cooling solutions as single or double stage (Cascade system) by using one or two of these coolants depending on the refrigeration process. Choice of coolants is made based on the characteristics of the product which is to be stored, size of the facility and user expectations.

Carbondioxide, Ammonia, Glycol , Propane
Since Freon, Ammonia, Carbondioxide, Glycol and Propane are naturally occurring substances, they are called natural liquids. Cold storage types using natural liquids are used in relatively larger facilities with large tonnage, as they have low operating costs. Cold storages using carbondioxide, ammonia and glycol are becoming more widely used because of their environment-friendly nature.

Freon is a liquid specially produced by the combination of a few elements with cooling properties. Cold stores using Freon are often preferred since their investment costs are low, and used in cold stores of relatively smaller tonnage. Besides this, because they are suitable for all sectors, they have an extensive range of use.

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