MYO Electronic Arm Prosthesis-46050

Product Code: MYO Elektronik Kol Protezi

2000.0000 USD

* It enables the hand to open, close and rotate with the sensors that provide an integral function with the motor, battery and muscle movements. With the muscles working in the stump area (even the most sensitive form of contraction)
detects it) and transmits it to the engine through the electrodes. The engine drives this signal.
It makes the movement of opening, closing or rotation by converting it. User's motion control; when the muscle contracts, the movement is completely controlled by the user.
*There are four types as 2-channel, 4-channel, sensor speed hand and transcorpal hand. As with all prostheses, it is produced and applied individually. The user undergoes a rehabilitation period before and after the prosthesis, and this process continues until the applied prosthesis is used in the best way.

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