TOCHEM, which is one of the leading company of manufacturing on Chafing Dish Fuel, started production facilities in Istanbul in 2006. Upon the increase in its production capacity, particular emphasis was placed on the abroad market and it was ensured that domestic demands were met more effectively. TOCHEM export products 28 countries.

Besides its reputation on the domestic market, TOCHEM has carried the competition to abroad within the globalize world and become a well-established brand with its exports made to primarily the European countries. Our firm has taken its place among the leading institutions in the respective sector thanks to its understanding of high quality, professional activities and modern production facilities. It instills confidence in its customers with its comprehensive product and high quality.

The Firm will be at the service of its customers and its country also during the 21st Century with its quality, experience based on long years, customer focused activity understanding, developing sales and marketing network, and young and dynamic human resources.

Yours Respectfully,