Alive Animal Scale-46689

Product Code: 12345678

Provides both visual and sound weighing notice.
Through the accumulated weight feature, the number and the total weight can displayed
Adjustable indicator, the indicator can adjust to the desired position (right-left, up-down)
Accurate and precise weighing ability, and automatic reset
OIML Certified load cell with 1000 KG capacity is used in each corner of the animal scale with the specially manufactured platform.
Load cell: Shear Beam steel alloy IP67 load cell. With nickel plated and glue sealed
APPROVED and UN APPROVED Options are available for use in industrial or buying and selling works
Has robust structure, made from U-iron of solid material
Grade 1 checkered sheet is used on the scale (to prevent the animal from sliding)
The scale is 10 cm high from the ground. The animal can easily leave the scale without difficulty (no ramp required).
The scales are surrounded on 4 sides by a robust cage system with right and left two doors.
The scale is portable. The cage is easily can be remove and install in order to use it in other purpose

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